Monday, January 9, 2012

New Book Class!

Books from Eliza's class
Long stitch book (bottom) and coptic stitch book (top)
The Island Art Association in Fernandina Beach (about 20 minutes from me) offers great classes, but most of them I can't attend because they're offered on weekdays. As luck would finally have it, I got to take an artist books class up there this past Saturday with the lovely Eliza Holliday.

covers from Eliza's class
Pamphlet stitch practice (top) and ink and gesso cover for long stitch book (bottom)
The main thing I wanted to learn from Eliza was coptic stitching (which I must now practice daily to remember!), but I also learned another new fun technique for paper decoration using inks and gesso. The group was very interested in doing more classes together, so I'm hoping I've finally found a book arts group!

Kelly and Eliza
Eliza Holliday and me
Class books  from Eliza's class
Ink and gesso covered long stitch books made by the class


lori vliegen said...

happy new year, kelly!! your books are lovely! i've known eliza for many years.....she's a wonderful person and an absolutely fabulous teacher!! and as passionate as she is about making books, you should see her!! she's a lettering genius, no joke!!

glad you had a good weekend!

Unknown said...

the cover of the book is very Artistic

tami said...

kelly, that class looks amazing! i hope you have found a book arts group! Wish I had known about the class, what fun!