Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Project 365: January 6-11


Friday, January 6: Daily Dose of Awesomeness. For those of you connected to me on Facebook, you know that we take a picture like this almost every morning before we head to school. Thought I'd share one here!


Saturday, January 7: I found this spider web stretched between the back and arm of my green chair on our back deck, glistening with water from the morning fog.


Sunday, January 8: The Remains...little petals that fell on the front porch steps as I was dead-heading my geraniums. Yes, it is January, and yes, I still have four pots full of blooming geraniums on my front steps. I had to bring them in when we got our first freeze last week, but they are still hanging in there very well!


Monday, January 9: A little peek at our first day of class at the college.


Tuesday, January 10: A very special journal I'll tell you more about next week!


Wednesday, January 11: This morning, the view from Chowder Ted's was these gray skies over the marsh. Chowder Ted's is our great little neighborhood seafood restaurant, which is literally about 100 yards from our house!

So what's your favorite for the week?  Click here for other Project 365 photos.


Unknown said...

Okay, those awesome outfits are my FAVORITE of all their awesome outfits so far - I want to go clothes shopping with them because they look so fun!

urban muser said...

love those redheads! good luck with your 365!

Kelly Warren said...

Thanks for stopping in Marisa and Christy!

Robin Norgren, M.A, R-YT, Spiritual Director said...

I had to stop by and YOU KNOW which one is my favorite! xo

Becky Shander said...

Boy, your mornings look fantastic...keep up the fun!

Rebeca Trevino said...

cute! Cute! CUTE girls!
and oh so stylish!