Thursday, May 3, 2012

101010 Project Day 3 ~ Robin Norgren

Welcome to day three of the 101010 Project!  Tackling "The Balance Question: What does it mean for you and how is it working for you?" today is Robin Norgren, the lovely lady who put this whole project together! 
Robin Norgren

A little bit about Robin:  I strive to live life to the fullest. No matter what. I have grown into myself through my love for Jesus and HIS LOVE FOR ME. Art, motherhood, business, creativity and yoga are the cherished vehicles for this deepening. Life can be FULL, JUICY, MEANINGFUL, PURPOSE FILLED, LOVELY. I want to help you come to your fullest life. I create workbooks, ecourses and workshops that chronicle my change and growth and offer you ways to find out what YOUR FULLEST life will be.

Name of business: Robin Norgren Studios
Years in business: 4 years

So Robin, how do you handle balance?  "I am finally ready to admit it: I do not believe there is such a thing as balance. I think that there are times in your life that CERTAIN AREAS of your life are calling for focused attention. And by listening to that inner knowing about where your attention needs to be placed, you ultimately are tending to what you need to and you will have a sense of peace even if your to-dos are not being completed.

Case in point: as a military wife, I have had to stay very clear about how much energy I can put into my business. When my hubby is deployed I shift the time I work on my business to early morning or late nights. I feel like I would be doing a disservice to my little one to not have access to both parents because I am trying to reach a business goal. I have even put my business on vacation mode in the most stressful time. But now that she has gone to school, I can then prioritize my business to rise higher on the list.

Then there are times where my creative juices are in overload and I KNOW I must make room for those new ideas. So I make dinners in advance or we do cold cuts for a few days because I have to tend to the muse.

Guilt I think is just a part of this thing called life. We would love to do it all and do it well. But I believe peace of mind calls for something different. And at the end of the day, this is what helps me to prioritize my life."

And another little note about Robin. She is is currently completing her life coaching certification and would LOVE to offer you a FREE 15 minute mini session – sign up for her mailing list here:

Visit the 101010 Project website to view all the participants and all the questions we'll be covering over the next 15 days, and be sure to hop around to all participants' blogs each day since we are each hosting a different question! 

1 comment:

sonyamacdesigns said...

shiftN for the season ... ain't that it!