Friday, May 4, 2012

101010 Project Day 4 ~ Kelly Thiel

Welcome to day four of the 101010 Project!  Visiting with us today and tackling "The Balance Question: What does it mean for you and how is it working for you?" is sculptor Kelly Thiel.

A little bit about Kelly: An artist and a mother of two young girls, Kelly Thiel lives in South Carolina, USA creating award-winning clay and bronze sculptures, as well as doing art journaling and mixed media paintings. She just finished building a new studio at her home, and is dying to log some real hours in there! Kelly is doing her best to live life to the fullest and enjoy each day, with her art and her family.

Name of Business: Kelly Thiel Studio
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Years in Business: 10

So Kelly, how do you handle balance?  "This is a HUGE issue for me. Balance, in my small world, means having quality time for my art and for my family. My family comes first, but a near second is my art. I have realized that I am BY FAR a happier person, thus a better mom, when I have creative time. This is a daily struggle for me. Some days I get it just right, and other days I don’t. I am always, always, interested in how other artist parents juggle the day-to-day life with kids and art.

It’s amazing to me what a good couple of hours in the studio can do for my mood. If I feel like I’ve gotten a decent amount of work done in the studio, then I can be so much happier in my role as Mom. My soul is happier and I have achieved Balance! Success!!"

Visit the 101010 Project website to view all the participants and all the questions we'll be covering over the next 15 days, and be sure to hop around to all participants' blogs each day since we are each hosting a different question! 


sonyamacdesigns said...

I can so relate ... it is better for the Mom in me to have the WORK and dinner completed by the time my children walk in from their walk home from school.

Kelly said...

Yes, I can see where that would help, Sonya! Peace of mind goes a long way when you know that dinner plans are already figured out :)

Leanne said...

Yes, the soul is happier when we fill it with all that it needs. Deep breath . . . in and out . . . we'll find that balance one of these days. :)