Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sweet Furry Faces of ACPS


Hello friends!  After a bit of a break, I'm finally getting back to this little blog of mine!  One of the things I've been doing lately is volunteering at Animal Care & Protective Services, the city of Jacksonville's official animal shelter.  I'm on the photography team. 

Here's one of the sweet faces I photographed this weekend.  His name is Sonny, and he's a Brindle terrier mix. He was an owner surrender and such a sweet, sweet boy that I can't imagine why anyone would want to give him up. Very calm and gentle, he just wants to be loved!  The hardest part of photographing these dogs is that I want to take them all home!  If you've been reading along here for a while, you know I have a sweet little shelter dog named Molly.  If you need a pet, I highly recommend a shelter dog!  Go save a life!  


Benjamin S. Jackson Jr. said...

Welcome back from your little blog vacation! My philosophy on animals is "one more won't hurt." (Tj does not share my philosophy.)

Talking Horses Arts said...

Welcome Back! 2 rescue dogs and 6 rescue cats here. I could not volunteer for what your doing it be honestly a divorce lol. Thumbs up for all the people that care bout these abandoned pets!