Monday, January 20, 2014

Best Shot Monday: Sweet Savannah


Happy Monday! This is my sweet old blind girl, Savannah. She's 17. She was one of a litter of kittens dumped on the front porch of my assistant's mom. When Angie brought her in, this tiny little ball of calico fur, I couldn't resist. Benny had had cats before, but Savannah was my first.

She lost her sight about a year and a half ago due to a blood pressure spike that detached her retinas. It took her a bit, but once she adjusted to blindness, she now gets around just fine, even though she often has to trip over things the girls leave in her pathways. And even though she's blind, she can still find the best sunny spot in the house. As she's adjusted to her loss of sight, she's become increasingly attached to me, seeking me out in the house wherever I may be and following me whenever possible.  What I think is cool about this picture is that you can see me, laying down on the floor to catch this shot, reflected in her eyes. Her pupils remain wide open like that all the time now because of her blindness. She's a super sweet old gal.

*photo notes:  this shot was captured in aperture mode, f 2.2, 1/200, ISO 100, 35mm prime lens.

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