Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Documented Life: Challenge Two, A Selfie

Week 2 Challenge Kelly 

Challenge 2 for "The Documented Life" project was to incorporate a self portrait onto this week's page. Well, the redheads and I aren't much for selfies, so we used other photos. Mine was taken by Eileen Nishi at Serendipity back in October, and I took the girls' pictures. We are having fun with this project!  I hope you've been having a great January so far! See more Documented Life posts here.

Week 2 Challenge-Sarah
Sarah's Challenge 2

Week 2 Challenge-Olivia
Olivia's Challenge 2

1 comment:

Quiltin' Mama said...

Loving it- you all may not like 'Selfies' but each of you are photogenic!! I am doing Draw your Awesome Year with Joanne Sharpe - enjoying so far- but behind . . .