Wow! I just realized this is my 300th post! Yippee! Have I really had that much to say? (This is where you nod your head approvingly about all the wonderful things I've said here over the past year and a half :-). So for today, a look back and a look forward, and since much of the inspiration for this blog comes from my two little redheads, here's another of my favorite Boca Grande pictures. We took this at Cabbage Key. Found those cute little crabbie sunglasses there too. They made quite the fodder for the rest of the trip since we could say, “Livvie/Sarah, you have a crab on your face!” which would elicit fits of laughter every time. As a look back, I wanted to share some of my favorite posts with you, and I've selected these six because they've been the most meaningful for me. They are definitely more on the serious, thought-provoking side, rather than my usual humorous tone.
Gushing Emotional Mama Syndrome (6/5/2008)
Counting My Blessings (7/24/07)
Sand Dollar, Starfish, Bear Man and Roger Corn (6/20/07)
Virginia Tech: An Example of a Cold America? (4/18/07)
The Great Greek Manifesto (2/28/07)
I also started a new category over there in the right column where I've listed what I feel are my all time best posts, including these six. Some of them are serious, some are funny, but all truly inspired me in some way.
Second, a look forward. So where is this blog going? Well, for one I hope to start posting more of my art, in whatever form that may take. I need to do that more! And in compiling the list above, I realized that, for the first part of 2008 anyway, I haven't done much serious writing, which I'd like to do more of. So to that end, let me tell you about the wonderful invitation that appeared in my inbox last week. I received an email from Miranda Hersey Helin about a lovely blog she hosts called Creative Construction: Life & Art. Miranda had stumbled across my blog, read through quite a bit, and invited me to join her group. It’s really a beautiful blog, written by a group of very creative mothers, and focuses on combining a creative life with being a mother and finding the balance between the two. The group consists of very talented writers and artists, and I’m honored to have been invited to participate. For my first post, Miranda asked me to write an introduction of sorts, and I wrote that on Monday. I think you’ll recognize one of the pictures! Visit Creative Construction here. I’ve also listed it in my Friends and Faves over there in the right column so check back often for some really lovely posts from the group.
Till next time, thank you so much for taking the time to read my little corner of the blogosphere. When I started this thing, I really wasn’t sure what I was going to do with it, and it has definitely evolved over the past 18 months. What it’s evolved to, I’m not quite sure yet, but I know that I truly love getting your comments, and I love seeing all those locations pop up on my stat counter statistics. Sometimes we all get so wrapped up in our own little worlds, I guess this has been my way of reaching out, and I’m glad so many of you have been there to reach back. Thank you, dear friends.
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Thanks so much for the shout out, Kelly! We're thrilled to have you. Bring all your friends!
congrats on 300th!!
i have blogged my free bling here:
thanks so much, the earrings are just perfect :)
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